Saturday, 31 January 2009

Create Dynamic Named Ranges in Excel which go Left-Right Across Columns

Create Dynamic Named Ranges in Excel which go Left-Right Across Columns

Video: ThisExcel video tutorial shows you how to make a named range within Excel dynamic. This means that whenever you add something or subtract something from a list in Excel, which is referenced by a named range, that named range will automatically update and change to reflect the new list. This is a great way to automate your spreadsheets and to save you time when working with large spreadsheets in Excel. This tutorial shows you how to make a dynamic named range which goes from left to right across multiple columns within Excel. To get the spreadsheet used here of for more excel video tutorials, macros, tips and tricks, visit the website http You can also visit the forum there if you have any questions. Have a great day!


Criando Gráficos no Excel

Criando Gráficos no Excel


Description:Esta Video Aula explica passo a passo como criar um Gráfico de Pizzas no Excel. Aprendemos conceitos importantes na hora de Criar um Gráfico. Para aquisição do Nosso DVD, por favor entrar em contato através do e-mail: ou pelo


Friday, 30 January 2009

MrExcel's Learn Excel #774 - Macro Tweaking

MrExcel's Learn Excel #774 - Macro Tweaking


Description:After recording a macro in yesterday's podcast, I take a look at the recorded code to look for instances where the macro recorder hard coded the number of records. With just a few tweaks, we have a working macro to automate the import and conversion of data from one system to another.Episode 774 shows you how. This blog is the video podcast companion to the book, Learn Excel 97-2007 from MrExcel. Download a new two minute video every workday to learn one of the 377 tips from the book!


MrExcel's Learn Excel #773 - Google Calendar

MrExcel's Learn Excel #773 - Google Calendar


Description:Pau asks how to take a CSV file from one website and convert it for importing to Google Calendar. In Episode 773, I turn on the macro recorder and attempt to fix the file. This blog is the video podcast companion to the book, Learn Excel 97-2007 from MrExcel. Download a new two minute video every workday to learn one of the 377 tips from the book!


Thursday, 29 January 2009

Excel: Base de datos sencilla 1

Excel: Base de datos sencilla 1Video:

Description:Cómo armar una base de datos sencilla en Excel. Para quienes no tienen conocimientos o tienen conocimientos muy básicos de esta herramienta.


MrExcel's Learn Excel #937 - Dynamic Validation

MrExcel's Learn Excel #937 - Dynamic Validation


Description:I've talked about making the list for your data validation automatically grow with the list. In the past, I've used a macro or the OFFSET formula, but today Morne sends in a beautiful solution for either Excel 2003 or Excel 2007 to build a dynamic validation list.Episode 937 shows you how. This video is the podcast companion to the book, Learn Excel 97-2007 from MrExcel. Download a new two minute video every workday to learn one of the 377 tips from the book!


Monday, 26 January 2009

MrExcel's Learn Excel #936 - Paste the Total

MrExcel's Learn Excel #936 - Paste the Total


Description:Pablo sends in a great question: why can't you copy a range of cells and paste only the total of those cells in a new cell? Microsoft should really add this functionality, but in the meantime, 2 lines of macro code solve the problem.Episode 936 shows you how. This video is the podcast companion to the book, Learn Excel 97-2007 from MrExcel. Download a new two minute video every workday to learn one of the 377 tips from the book!


Sunday, 25 January 2009

Lista Desplegable Dependiente en excel

Lista Desplegable Dependiente en excel


Description:Usar una lista desplegable dependiente en excel


Friday, 23 January 2009

SolidWorks API Sample

SolidWorks API SampleVideo:

Description:The application shown in this video has been created using SolidWorks API and VB.Net. In this appliation spare parts catalogue has been created automatically. For all the assembly, sub assembly upto part level


Computer & Internet Tips : How to Program in Visual Basic in Excel

Computer and Internet Tips : How to Program in Visual Basic in Excel


Description:To program using Visual Basic in Microsoft Excel, open the Visual Basic editor by holding the "Alt" key and pressing "F11," and then create a custom code to run in an Excel spreadsheet. Create and assign a macro in order to run the function in an Excel program with instructions from a software developer in this free video on Microsoft Excel. Expert: Dave Andrews Contact: Bio: Dave Andrews is a software developer that holds a degree in computer science. Currently, he is employed by a government IT department. Filmmaker: Tim Brown


Excel Magic Trick #229: Dump Data Pivot Table Macro

Excel Magic Trick #229: Dump Data Pivot Table Macro


Description:This video is in response to Excel Magic Trick #219: Pivot Table Macro w Dynamic Range #2. See how to dump data on a sheet and then run the Macro To Create A Pivot Table PivotTable from video Excel Magic Trick #219: Pivot Table Macro w Dynamic Range #2


Wednesday, 21 January 2009

Assign a Macro to a Button, Check box, or any object in Microsoft Excel

Assign a Macro to a Button, Check box, or any object in Microsoft Excel

Video: This video tutorial shows you how to attach or assign a macro in excel to a button, check box, or any other object within excel. This is a great example of how to make macros more useful and more readily available within the excel interface. Here, you will also learn how to remove an assigned or attached macro from a button, check box, or object within excel. Toget the spreadsheet used here of for more excel video tutorials, macros, tips and tricks, visit the website http You can also visit the forum there if you have any questions. Have a great day!


Insert Macros into an Excel Workbook or File and Delete Macros from Excel

Insert Macros into an Excel Workbook or File and Delete Macros from Excel

Video: This tutorial shows you how to insert a macro you may find on the internet into your Microsoft Excel workbook or spreadsheet. This is a step-by-step tutorial which walks you through copying the macro from a web page to pasting that into a module, ThisWorkbook, or an individual worksheet. You will also learn how to view all the macros present in Excel and how to delete any macros from excel, including the module in which they were contained. Toget the spreadsheet used here of for more excel video tutorials, macros, tips and tricks, visit the website http You can also visit the forum there if you have any questions. Have a great day!


Excel Magic Trick #219: Pivot Table Macro w Dynamic Range #2

Excel Magic Trick #219: Pivot Table Macro w Dynamic Range #2


Description:See how to create a Dynamic Range with the OFFSET function so a Macro to Create a Pivot Table will work even when new records are added. This method works in all versions. Dynamic Range with the OFFSET function formula.


Excel Magic Trick #218: Pivot Table Macro w Dynamic Range #1

Excel Magic Trick #218: Pivot Table Macro w Dynamic Range #1


Description:See how to use an Excel 2007 Table to create a Dynamic Range so a Macro to Create a Pivot Table will work even when new records are added.


Barpro® Software Restaurant Bar Modulo Ventas

Barpro® Software Restaurant Bar Modulo Ventas


Description:BARPRO® SOFTWARE PARA RESTAURANT BAR DELIVERY Sistema para la Gestion Admnistrativa Gastronomica Tenga el Control de su negocio usando este software Detalles principales · Facturación rapida de pedidos en Mesa , Barra , Delivery o Sector, porque el tiempo es dinero , super agil !! Adicion de productos en mesas por Imágenes (foto real del producto), por listado Código o Detalle , codigo de barra , muy facil de usar, no más demoras usando sus viejas comandas... Emisión de ticket o no , ticket factura y factura fiscal / factura en formulario, formato opcional , modificable .. Vista de lista de precios, stock, clientes, del salón gráficamente al adicionar en mesa,tenga todo frente a sus ojos. Control de Stock por productos, por recetas y por diferentes Depositos.No más robos !. Transferencia de Pedidos de una mesa a otra ..eso que tanto lo complica en una dia y noche agitados ahora a un click !. Al adicionar sus comandas , selección del Camarero/a , con posibilidad de ver su Foto e ingrese de clave de seguridad . Delivery de pedidos , con base de datos de clientes , búsqueda x telefono , dirección nombre, vista de pedidos a entregar ordenado por hora de ingreso , cumplidos y demorados , con cambio de colores, muy util.Organize sus pedidos telefonicos de la forma mas efectiva sin demoras. Estadisticas de ventas , ranking ,hoy, mes y turnos , detalles de ultimas ventas , guardado y consultas de históricos. Graficos de ventas editables en Excel®, vea de ...


Tuesday, 20 January 2009

MrExcel's Learn Excel #780 - Distribute Personal.xls

MrExcel's Learn Excel #780 - Distribute Personal.xls


Description:Do you have the world's greatest Personal.xls and want to share it with others in your company? Watch Episode 780 for the steps necessary to distribute the personal macro workbook. This blog is the video podcast companion to the book, Learn Excel 97-2007 from MrExcel. Download a new two minute video every workday to learn one of the 377 tips from the book!


Saturday, 17 January 2009

Videos Cap#8 Desarrollo Macros

Videos Cap#8 Desarrollo Macros


Description:El siguiente Video Tutorial muestra algunos fundamentos teoricos y el desarrollo de un ejercicio práctico acerca del desarrollo de macros utilizando las herramientas de Microsoft Office EXCEL.


Thursday, 15 January 2009

MrExcel's Learn Excel #785 - Macro Pictures

MrExcel's Learn Excel #785 - Macro Pictures


Description:Episode 322 talked about adding pop-up pictures to a cell. Devin asks if there is a way to add many pictures at once. In Episode 785, I use some macro code from page 764 in the book to quickly add pop-up pictures to many cells. This blog is the video podcast companion to the book, Learn Excel 97-2007 from MrExcel. Download a new two minute video every workday to learn one of the 377 tips from the book!


Wednesday, 14 January 2009

truco excel inmovilizar paneles

truco excel inmovilizar paneles


Description:Inmovilizar paneles de microsoft excel 2003, esto es muy util si estas ingresando datos en una tabla y deseas mantener las cabeceras para saber que dato ingresar en cada columna


Tuesday, 13 January 2009

Elabora facilmente cotizaciones con microsoft excel guarda crea pdf y envia por correo electronico rapidamente

Elabora facilmente cotizaciones con microsoft excel guarda crea pdf y envia por correo electronico rapidamente www.jfksoft.comVideo: Haga sus cotizaciones a gran velocidad... Usando Cotización Excel, es la forma mas sencilla de hacerlo sin perdida de tiempo... "Requiere Microsoft Excel" HAGA COTIZACIONES DE SUS PRODUCTOS CON EXCEL ES EXTREMADAMENTE RAPIDO Y SENCILLO, EN POCOS MINUTOS ESTARA LISTO PARA USARLO EN SU COMPUTADOR, RED LOCAL E INCLUSIVE DE FORMA REMOTA. Es una plantilla diseñada para crear cotizaciones para sus clientes, en un formato estándar que contiene todos los datos requeridos en una cotización formal. VENTAJAS Y BENEFICIOS Mínimo aprendizaje "Aprender a Usarla requiere máximo 5 minutos Puede personalizar su contenido en cualquier momento o tener varios modelos de acuerdo al tipo de empresa. Extrema rapidez al diligenciar, inclusive puede usar un lector de código de barras Guarda e imprime en un solo paso Crea archivo en formato PDF, para ser enviado a nuestros clientes Envía por correo electrónico en un solo paso solo haga clic en Enviar El funcionamiento se basa en unos pocos pasos, diligenciar, guardar e imprimir y enviar por correo electrónico en formato pdf. Todos las opciones esta dentro de la cotización, y puede usar tamaño carta y media carta.


MrExcel's Learn Excel #813 - Code Genie

MrExcel's Learn Excel #813 - Code Genie


Description:Ever wonder how MrExcel spends his free time? He watches the macro recorder write code before his eyes. In Episode 813, learn how to arrange the VBA window and the Excel window to watch which lines of code appear in response to actions in Excel. This blog is the video podcast companion to the book, Learn Excel 97-2007 from MrExcel. Download a new two minute video every workday to learn one of the 377 tips from the book!


Create a Drop Down Menu with Data Validation in Microsoft Excel

Create a Drop Down Menu with Data Validation in Microsoft Excel

Video: This tutorial shows you how to create a drop down menu in excel. You will learn how to create a drop down menu whose contents comes from a list on the same tab or worksheet and also a drop down menu whose contents come from a list on a separate tab or worksheet in excel. This tutorial uses the data validation feature in excel as well as named ranges. This is a helpful introduction with tips on making drop-down menus in excel. Toget the spreadsheet used here of for more excel video tutorials, macros, tips and tricks, visit the website http You can also visit the forum there if you have any questions. Have a great day!


Monday, 12 January 2009

Make a Dynamically Updated Vlookup Table in Microsoft Excel

Make a Dynamically Updated Vlookup Table in Microsoft Excel

Video: This tutorial will explain how you can setup your vlookup table so that it is dynamic. This means that whenever you add an entry or any data to an existing vlookup table, the vlookup formulas will automatically update to include this new data. This tutorial assumes you already know how to make and use a vlookup table and the vlookup formula. This is a really neat trick which will help save you a lot of time when working with vlookup in excel. The OFFSET() and COUNT() and VLOOKUP() formulas and functions are used in this tutorial. Toget the spreadsheet used here of for more excel video tutorials, macros, tips and tricks, visit the website http You can also visit the forum there if you have any questions. Have a great day!


Friday, 9 January 2009

Excel Magic Trick 185 Dynamic Formula Extract Data 1criteria

Excel Magic Trick 185 Dynamic Formula Extract Data 1criteria


Description:Create a formula to extract part of a table from a larger table. Similar to a query in Access, but with a array formula in Excel that uses the functions: INDIRECT, IF, ROWS, COUNTIF, INDEX, SMALL, and ROW. This formula will extract records that meet one condition (criteria criterion) and list them in order with no extra rows between records. We will also use the INDIRECT function to save on formula creation time. Related Videos: YTLE#84: A Few Data Validation Tricks Excel Magic Trick #180: COUNTIF function formula 21 Examples 04 Excel Series: Names 1-12 Excel Name Trick #7: INDIRECT function, Names and LOOKUP 05 Excel Series: Array Formulas 1-14 Various INDEX Lookup w TRUE/FALSE criteria "Reverse Lookup" Excel Magic Trick 186 Dynamic Formula Extract Data 2 criteria Excel Magic Trick #187: Unique List w Dynamic Formula Excel Magic Trick #81: Advanced Filter AND OR Data Extract


MrExcel's Learn Excel #828 - 2007 Macros

MrExcel's Learn Excel #828 - 2007 Macros


Description:So, you upgrade to Excel 2007 and your macros stop working. If you are incredibly lucky, it might be a situation where the macro would work, but you need to enable macros. Episode 828 shows where Microsoft hid Macro Security options and what the new words actually mean. This blog is the video podcast companion to the book, Learn Excel 97-2007 from MrExcel. Download a new two minute video every workday to learn one of the 377 tips from the book!


Thursday, 8 January 2009

Prevent Duplicate Values being entered in a List in Excel - Allow only unique values to be entered.

Prevent Duplicate Values being entered in a List in Excel - Allow only unique values to be entered.

Video: This tutorial shows you how to create a list in Microsoft Excel which only contains unique values. This means that a user cannot enter a duplicate value or word or phrase in a list. The words or numbers or characters must be exactly the same to be considered a duplicate entry. This method used the Data Validation technique in excel. The formula used here is COUNTIF(). Toget the spreadsheet used here of for more excel video tutorials, macros, tips and tricks, visit the website You can also visit the forum there if you have any questions. Have a great day!


MrExcel's Learn Excel #844 - AutoSum Macro

MrExcel's Learn Excel #844 - AutoSum Macro


Description:Mark asks about how to replicate the AutoSum concept in a macro. The code in Episode 844 gets closer to the AutoSum functionality than the solution that I proposed in Episode 812. This blog is the video podcast companion to the book, Learn Excel 97-2007 from MrExcel. Download a new two minute video every workday to learn one of the 377 tips from the book!


MrExcel's Learn Excel #839 - Filter by Selection

MrExcel's Learn Excel #839 - Filter by Selection


Description:Shawn sends in a great tip for today's podcast. Access has a Filter by Selection icon. Using a few lines of VBA code, you can add this functionality to your personal macro workbook. Episode 839 shows you how. Here is the code: Sub Filter_by_Active_Cell() Dim ColNum As Integer ColNum = ActiveCell.Column - _ (ActiveCell.CurrentRegion.Column - 1) Selection.AutoFilter Field:=ColNum, Criteria1:=ActiveCell End Sub Sub AutoFilterToggle() Selection.AutoFilter End Sub This blog is the video podcast companion to the book, Learn Excel 97-2007 from MrExcel. Download a new two minute video every workday to learn one of the 377 tips from the book!


Tuesday, 6 January 2009

MrExcel's Learn Excel #873 - First Macro

MrExcel's Learn Excel #873 - First Macro


Description:Rick asks how to get started with VBA. In Episode 873, I show a horribly formatted file that someone in my Power Excel audience has to deal with daily. A macro seems like a good way to deal with the file. I will show you how to turn on the macro recorder, turn on relative reference, and record your first macro.


Extract Text from cells in Excel - How to get any word from a cell in Excel

Extract Text from cells in Excel - How to get any word from a cell in Excel

Video: This tutorial shows you how to input a formula into a cell in Microsoft Excel which will pull text from another cell in the spreadsheet or workbook. This is not a macro but a formula. This particular tutorial describes how to pull text which is separated by spaces. This means you can pull any word from a cell so long as there are spaces in front of it or behind it. This works well for large lists which are formatted exactly the same. Additionally, though this shows you how to extract text using spaces, you can use any distinct symbol or character in a cell to extract the text consistently over a large number of cells. The functions used include LEFT() and FIND(). Toget the spreadsheet used here of for more excel video tutorials, macros, tips and tricks, visit the website http You can also visit the forum there if you have any questions. Have a great day!


Monday, 5 January 2009

MrExcel's Learn Excel #894 - Export Each Worksheet

MrExcel's Learn Excel #894 - Export Each Worksheet


Description:Rod sends in today's question. He has to export several tab-delimited text files for a third-party application. He has the data for each file on a separate worksheet in a workbook and would like a macro to save those worksheets as individual text files. In Episode 894, I record a simple macro, then edit it to solve Rod's problem.
