Title: Tutorial Excel: cómo rellenar los espacios en blanco
Description:www.ceparker.com Tutorial excel, en este truco vamos a aprender a rellenar los espacios en blanco, manteniendo el valor entrado. Síguenos en Facebook www.facebook.com
Title: Lezione di visual basic con Snake - Creare una calcolatrice a 17 pulsanti.wmv
Description:In questo video tutorial con il visual basic impareremo a creare la calcolatrice con codici di programmazione, se volete copiarvi i codici eccoli elencati: Per il form subito dopo la scritta Pubblicclass form 1: Dim a, b As Double Dim op As String Per i pulsanti numerati da 0 a 9 il seguente: textbox1.text=textbox1.text+ "1" cambiare solo il numero nelle virgolette ad ogni pulsante per programmarlo Pulsante addizione a = CDbl(TextBox1.Text) op = "+" TextBox1.Text = "" Pulsante sottrazione: a = CDbl(TextBox1.Text) op = "-" TextBox1.Text = "" Pulsante moltiplicazione: a = CDbl(TextBox1.Text) op = "*" TextBox1.Text = "" Pulsante divisione: a = CDbl(TextBox1.Text) op = "/" TextBox1.Text = "" Pulsante uguale =: b = CDbl(TextBox1.Text) Select Case op Case "/" TextBox1.Text = a / b Case "*" TextBox1.Text = a * b Case "+" TextBox1.Text = a + b Case "-" TextBox1.Text = a - b End Select Pulsante esci: close
Title: Tutorial ¿como desbloquear paginas de excel?
Description:Este es el codigo: Sub breakit() Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer Dim l As Integer, m As Integer, n As Integer On Error Resume Next For i = 65 To 66 For j = 65 To 66 For k = 65 To 66 For l = 65 To 66 For m = 65 To 66 For i1 = 65 To 66 For i2 = 65 To 66 For i3 = 65 To 66 For i4 = 65 To 66 For i5 = 65 To 66 For i6 = 65 To 66 For n = 32 To 126 ActiveSheet.UnprotectChr(i) and Chr(j) and Chr(k) and _ Chr(l) and Chr(m) and Chr(i1) and Chr(i2) and Chr(i3) and _ Chr(i4) and Chr(i5) and Chr(i6) and Chr(n) If ActiveSheet.ProtectContents = False Then MsgBox "One usable password is " and Chr(i) and Chr(j) and _ Chr(k) and Chr(l) and Chr(m) and Chr(i1) and Chr(i2) and Chr(i3) _ and Chr(i4) and Chr(i5) and Chr(i6) and Chr(n) Exit Sub End If Next Next Next Next Next Next Next Next Next Next Next Next End Sub Importante: Guarda y luego ejecuta. El codigo no es el escrito por el usuario es solamente el respaldo de archivo
Title: Automatically Copy Excel Data to Other Sheet
Description:www.contextures.com In Excel 2010 or Excel 2007, follow these steps to use an advanced filter to automatically copy data from a table, onto anther sheet in the workbook. Watch this video to see how to set up a criteria area, and an extract area, and pull the top orders to a different sheet.
Title: MS Excel Tutorial - DATEDIF a Hidden but Useful Formula
Description:www.ifskills.com This Excel 2010 Tutorial shows how to use DATEDIF Formula Microsoft Excel 2010. Authored by a Microsoft Expert, this training video is just a short extract from the full 9 hour course. Visit our website to view the tutorials in a far higher resolution.
Title: Using SmartArt Graphics - Microsoft Excel 2010 Tutorial
Description:www.ifskills.com This Excel 2010 Tutorial shows how to use SmartArt Graphics in Microsoft Excel 2010. Authored by a Microsoft Expert, this training video is just a short extract from the full 9 hour course. Visit our website to view the tutorials in a far higher resolution.
Title: Use Excel Scroll Bar to Change Worksheet - No Macros
Description:www.contextures.com With a simple Excel scroll bar, and no macros, you can show different messages on a worksheet. This Excel scroll bar example also uses conditional formatting, to show and hide coloured cells on the worksheet. The Excel VLOOKUP function is used to show the correct message in a text box. Drag the scroll bar to show or hide the Christmas tree decorations and gifts. Use these techniques in your business workbooks too! Watch this video to see how to use an Excel scroll bar to change the worksheet appearance, without Excel VBA.
Title: Use the Built-in Data Form in Excel to View and Filter All Fields for a Record
Description:If you want to view all of the fields associated for a single Excel data record, you can use the built-in Data Form. Now, you can see, edit and filter up to 32 fields for a single record in a compact data form. You don't have to create this data form - Excel builds it automatically. However, if you use Excel 2007 you will need to add the FORM Control to your Quick Access Toolbar. This control is one of the "Commands Not On the Ribbon." As you will see in the video, I do not recommend entering new records using the Data Form. I prefer to employ data validation using drop-down pick lists and this is not available on a data form. I invite you to visit my online shopping website - shop.thecompanyrocks.com - to view all of my videos and to check out the resources that I offer. Sincerely, Danny Rocks The Company Rocks
Description:tutolandia.com En este Tutorial, le muestro cómo convertir números a letras en Excel a través de un complemento que pueden instalar y utilizar luego en cualquier libro de excel. para descargar el archivo deben ir a tutolandia.com y el la sección de más contenido encontrarán el archivo para descargar.
Title: Desbloquear Planilha do Excel sem programa externo
Description:Desbloquear Planilha do Excel sem programa externo. Cole o código VBA e gere uma nova macro. Execute a macro sobre a planilha ativa, e por passe de mágica, veja a planilha antes protegida, totalmente desprotegida. Para ver o código, entre no site: www.aristotelesmachado.com
Title: Curso de Excel VBA - passo a passo Introdução.avi
Description:Aprenda nesta video aula os primeiros passos para se trabalhar com o EXCEL VBA, o editor de programação em visual basic do Excel. Para adquirir nosso curso de Excel VBA é so entrar em contato pelo email:classeatreinamentos@yahoo.com.br ou atraves da loja virtual www.classeacursos.com.br ou www.classeatreinamentos.com.br
Title: Calculating the winning probability of a prize drawing | lynda.com tutorial
Description:This Excel tutorial shows how to use the hypergeometric distribution to calculate the expected value and winning probability of a prize drawing. Watch more at www.lynda.com This specific tutorial is just a single movie from chapter five of the Excel 2007: Business Statistics course presented by lynda.com author Curt Frye. The complete Excel 2007: Business Statistics course has a total duration of 4 hours and 19 minutes and covers formulas and functions for calculating averages and standard deviations, charts and graphs for summarizing data, and the Analysis ToolPak add-in for even greater insights into data. Excel 2007: Business Statistics table of contents: Introduction 1. Introducing Statistics 2. Learning Useful Excel Techniques 3. Summarizing Data Using Tables and Graphics 4. Describing Data Using Numerical Methods 5. Using Probability Distributions 6. Sampling Values from a Population 7. Testing Hypotheses 8. Using Linear and Multiple Regression Conclusion
Title: VBA and Macros 2010 "Group by Week": Podcast #1304
Description:Today, in Episode #1304, Bill shows us how to use a Pivot Table in combination with Excel VBA [Visual Basic for Applications] to 'Roll-Up' dates to weekly increments. From Chapter 13..."VBA And Macros: Microsoft Excel 2010", by Bill Jelen.
Title: Practicando Excel Avanzado insertar menus macros e imagenes en plantillas excel
Description:www.jfksoft.com Este es un ejemplo de como se puede crear menus dentro de una hoja de Excel explica como crear botones imagenes y macros. www.jfksoft.com
Title: Practicando Excel Avanzado Traer la hora mundial reloj analogo con Excel - Hora legal de Colombia
Description:www.jfksoft.com Este es un ejemplo de como tener la hora mundial y un reloj analogo usando Excel, tambien muestra como traer la hora legal de colombia y colocarla en una hoja de excel para saber la hora exacta en todo momento descarga gratis en; www.jfksoft.com
Description:brettdotnet.posterous.com The website has changed since I originally made this video. The state appears to have been removed but you can still get the city and county at least. Change the code from what I say in the video to this: Dim sDD as string sDD = Trim(Doc.getElementsByTagName("dd")(0).innerText) sDD = split(sDD,VbNewLine)(0) Range("city").Value = Split(sDD,", ")(0) Range("county").Value = Split(sDD,", ")(1) A tutorial showing how to pull data from a website. In this tutorial I make a zip lookup that pulls in the city, state and county based on a given zip code.
Title: MultiSelect ListBox... how do you read those values??Video:
Description:In Excel, you've seen a list box and possibly how to link it to a single cell... what about if it's a Multi Select List Box??? Nothing populates in the linked cell. To do this, use an ActiveX control from the Control Toolbox (not a forms control), and using VBA code, cycle through all the listbox values For i = 0 To ActiveSheet.Shapes.ControlFormat.ListCount - 1 If ListBox1.Selected(i) = True Then ' Do This! (maybe add to an array?) End If Next i
Description:Si no queremos escribir siempre los mismos elementos, o bien por rapidez o bien para evitar errores, podemos crear una lista desplegable. Aprendemos también a controlar los valores manuales que nos introducen.
Title: Excel Magic Trick 743: Conditional Formatting To Match Items In List On A Different Sheet
Description:Download file: people.highline.edu See how to add Conditional Formatting To Match Items In List On A Different Sheet using a true false formula (logical formula) and the MATCH function and Defined Names.
Title: Excel Magic Trick 744: Break Even Analysis Formulas Chart and Plotting Break Even Point On Chart
Description:Download file: people.highline.edu See how to do Break Even Analysis Table with Formulas, Chart (Xy Scatter Chart Diagram), and Conditional Formatting with a Logical Formula (True False Formula) and Mixed Cell References. Also See a Formula and charting trick to show the approximate Break Even Point on the Chart. Accounting Break Even Analysis Excel. Managerial Accounting Cost Accounting Fixed Cost Variable Cost Accounting Contribution Margin Accounting Class Break Even Analysis XY Scatter Diagram Chart Line Chart Finance Break Even.
Title: Comment utiliser un fichier Excel 2007 avec une macro
Description:Ce vidéo indique comment utiliser les fichiers Excel 2007 contenant des macros qui sont disponibles sur mon site internet: www.MathieuCoteMSc.com.
Title: Excel tutorial: How to tabulate single criterion totals | lynda.com
Description:This Excel tutorial shows how to tabulate single criterion totals using the COUNTIF, SUMIF, and AVERAGEIF functions. Watch more at www.lynda.com This specific tutorial is just a single movie from chapter five of the Excel 2010: Advanced Formulas and Functions course presented by lynda.com author Dennis Taylor. The complete Excel 2010: Advanced Formulas and Functions course has a total duration of 5 hours and reviews the building-block functions, along with critical keyboard shortcuts that will speed up working with Excel data. Excel 2010: Advanced Formulas and Functions table of contents: Introduction 1. Formula and Function Tips and Shortcuts 2. Formula and Function Tools 3. IF and Related Functions 4. Lookup and Reference Functions 5. Power Functions 6. Statistical Functions 7. Data Functions 8. Math Functions 9. Array Formulas and Functions 10. Text Functions 11. Financial Functions 12. Informational Functions 13. Reference Functions Conclusion
Title: How to use Excel's Lookup functions | lynda.com tutorial
Description:This Excel tutorial shows how to work with Lookup functions. Watch more at www.lynda.com This specific tutorial is just a single movie from chapter four of the Excel 2010: Advanced Formulas and Functions course presented by lynda.com author Dennis Taylor. The complete Excel 2010: Advanced Formulas and Functions course has a total duration of 5 hours and reviews the building-block functions, along with critical keyboard shortcuts that will speed up working with Excel data. Excel 2010: Advanced Formulas and Functions table of contents: Introduction 1. Formula and Function Tips and Shortcuts 2. Formula and Function Tools 3. IF and Related Functions 4. Lookup and Reference Functions 5. Power Functions 6. Statistical Functions 7. Data Functions 8. Math Functions 9. Array Formulas and Functions 10. Text Functions 11. Financial Functions 12. Informational Functions 13. Reference Functions Conclusion
Description:Não ceda,irmão não ceda A lâmpada de Deus ainda está acesa Deus não ainda a última palavra O milagre ainda pode acontecer Pois no nome de Jesus Cristo há poder Poder pra curar,irmão não ceda Poder pra quebrar todas as cadeias Deus não deu ainda a última palavra... Quando Ele der, o céu vai se abrir (2x) Quando Ele der, a paz vai te acalmar Quando Ele der a última palavra, sua vitória vai chegar Quando esse Deus opera põe o céu em movimento, Manda fogo, manda anjo para te servir Quando esse Deus opera põe a terra em movimento, Ela gira e num momento a vitória vêm Quando esse Deus opera rasga o céu e desce Glória, Desce Unção, Autoridade, Graça e Poder Levante suas mãos e agradeça pois a última palavra, É de vitória pra você... Poder pra curar, irmão não ceda Poder pra quebrar todas as cadeias Deus não deu ainda a última palavra... Quando Ele der, o céu vai se abrir (2x) Quando Ele der, a paz vai te acalmar Quando Ele der a última palavra, sua vitória vai chegar... Quando esse Deus opera põe o céu em movimento, Manda fogo, manda anjo para te servir Quando esse Deus opera põe a terra em movimento, Ela gira e num momento a vitória vêm Quando esse Deus opera rasga o céu e desce Glória, Desce Unção, Autoridade, Graça e Poder Levante suas mãos e agradeça pois a última palavra, É de vitória pra você...
Title: VBA and Macros 2010 - Special Cells: Podcast #1297
Description:The 'Go To Special' Dialog in Excel 2010. Today, in Episode #1297, Bill looks at the 'Go To Special' Dialog as he shows us how to leverage the Special Cells property to quickly select all rows to hide or delete, using VBA in Microsoft Excel.
Title: Reading data from multiple Excel files dynamically using SSIS: Part 1
Description:in this video: demonstates extracting data from excel files dynamically using SSIS. also demonstrates how to make connection managers and other properties dynamic. For high quality videos visit : sql.geekepisodes.com
Description:Go to www.Teachmsoffice.com to view all of this tutorial. This Excel date and time tutorial shows you how to add or subtract years from a date in Excel. Adding or subtracting years from a date in Excel is a little tricky and requires the use of a number of different functions, but this tutorial goes step by step to show you how to add or subtract years from dates in Excel. This tutorial also covers some date formatting tips.
Title: Add Multiple Sheets to a Workbook at Once Using VBA
Description:Go to www.Teachmsoffice.com to view all of this tutorial. This Excel VBA macro tutorial shows you how to add multiple worksheets, sheets, tabs, etc. to a workbook using a macro. This method does not use a loop and so is very easy to use and understand. As well, you will learn how to insert the new sheets before or after other sheets within the workbook.
Title: Add Elements to a Dynamic Array Variable in VBA Using a Loop
Description:Go to www.Teachmsoffice.com to view all of this tutorial. This Excel VBA macro tutorial shows you how to quickly add elements to a dynamic array using a loop. The loop used for this example is a For Next Loop. This tutorial covers how to use variables instead of hard coded values to resize a dynamic array and then to add a new element to the array.
Title: Add Elements to a Dynamic Array Variable in VBA
Description:Go to www.Teachmsoffice.com to view all of this tutorial. This Excel VBA macro tutorial shows you how to add elements to a dynamic array variable in VBA. This tutorial will also cover how to prevent previous elements in the array from being erased when you add a new element to the array. This is especially important when you need to increase the size of the array in order to add an extra element or multiple new elements to the array, which is also covered in this tutorial.
Title: Add Bold Italics Underline and Strikethrough to Cells using VBA
Description:Go to www.Teachmsoffice.com to view all of this tutorial. This Excel VBA macro tutorial shows you how to add formatting to cells in a worksheet in Excel, specifically, you'll learn how to add bold, italics, single underline, double underline, accounting underline, and strikethrough to the contents of cells.
Title: Add an Entry on a New Line with a UserForm in Excel
Description:Go to www.Teachmsoffice.com to view all of this tutorial. This Excel VBA UserForm tutorial shows you how to add data from an Excel UserForm onto the next blank row or line in a worksheet. This allows you to use Excel as a sort of database for information. This tutorial covers how to setup the UserForm, how to add VBA code to the UserForm, and what VBA code to use to ensure that data from the form will always be input into the next blank row within the desired worksheet. This tutorial covers the VBA code needed for this functionality step-by-step. There is also a thorough review of how to change the VBA code in this tutorial to fit your own UserForm so that you won't have to start from scratch. This tutorial provides a comprehensive explanation of how to add data from a UserForm to the next blank row within a worksheet in Excel.
Title: Macro Scheduler for Non-Technical Beginners
Description:Watch in 720p or 1080p for best clarity. The amazing and versatile automation tool lets you program without knowing a programming language. For those who may be intimidated at first glance, here's tutorial on getting started writing scripts. It's a little easier, though I make no claim that it's better, than the tutorials at www.mjtnet.com
Title: Word y Excel 2010: Insertar imágenes desde escáner
Description:Insertar imágenes desde escáner o cámara en Word 2010 mediante una macro y colocar un botón que ejecute dicha macro en la barra de acceso rápido. En Excel 2010 insertar una macro o módulo con la instrucción: Sub Imagen() On Error Resume Next Application.CommandBars.FindControl(ID:=1764).Execute End Sub Artículo en el blog (con el código de la macro): palelmvp.wordpress.com Blog: palelmvp.wordpress.com Facebook: www.facebook.com
Description:Sistema Integral para el comerciante, el pequeño empresario y el profesional independiente, basado en las operaciones de toda actividad comercial y operacional, desarrollado en una Macro de Microsoft Excel 2007, integrando en un mismo archivo el ejecutable y la base de datos. Mas que un sistema, tiene como valor agregado el aprender un método para visualizar y definir las operaciones de su día a día en todas las actividades comerciales, logrando obtener los resultados en términos de logros, compromisos, financiamientos, estadísticas, lo que le permitirá obtener la imagen de cual ha sido su rendimiento, y así desarrollar su visión de nuevas metas y estrategias ha alcanzar.
Title: Excel 2007 Advanced Filter Runs Very Slowly
Description:www.contextures.com An Excel Advanced Filter is a speedy way to extract data from a table, or filter a list by several criteria. However, you might run into a problem in Excel 2007, when an advanced filter runs very slowly. It almost looks like Excel is copying and pasting each row of data separately, and you can imagine how long that would take! In a file where this problem occurs, this Excel video tutorial shows how to solve the problem, by removing worksheet comments. Fortunately, this problem appears to be fixed in Excel 2010.
Description:Makros werden in einfachen Fällen eingesetzt, um immer wiederkehrende, gleichartige Abläufe in einer Excel-Arbeitsmappe zu automatisieren. Im Video wird ein Makro produziert, welches die automatische Einstellung von optimaler Spalten- und Seitenbreite vornimmt. Die herunter ladbare Excel-Arbeitsmappe mit dem Makro zum Fallbeispiel enthält Produkte bzw. Dienstleistungen welche vom Auftraggeber dieses Videos bereitgestellt wurden: wer-weiss-was.net Dieses Video und die zugehörige Arbeitsmappe sind nicht nur für Excel-Nutzer gedacht, welche sich mit der Makroerstellung beschäftigen möchten. Das Video ist auch Anschauungsmaterial für die Öffentlichkeitsarbeit und das Branding von Unternehmen im Zusammenhang mit Bildungs- und Weiterbildungsangeboten. In jedem YouTube-Video kann ein Vorspann gezeigt werden in dem zahlende Förderer genannt werden. Ein passendes Wasserzeichen wird während des ganzen Videos gezeigt und zusätzlich können bei derartigen Trainingsvideos auch die Daten des Auftraggebers verwendet werden, damit sich die Nutzer die Produkte und Dienstleistungen einprägen. Wenn die Daten zu Produkten in Handlungen einbezogen werden, ist die spätere Erinnerung nachhaltiger als bei herkömmlicher Werbung. Ausführliche Informationen steht bei: eduthek.com
Title: Excel: Excel Macro: create an auto-run macro
Description:1. an auto-run marcro will run when workbook is open 2. simple auto-run macro: sending a message to screen 3. then call any form or sub program to run.
Title: VBA and Macros 2010 - Chart Location: Podcast #1291
Description:In Episode #1291, Bill looks at manipulating Charts with Excel VBA. Its easy to control the exact location of your Chart by designating its placement on your worksheet. ...a podcast from Ch.11 -"VBA And Macros: Microsoft Excel 2010", from Bill Jelen.
Title: Tutorial Excel - Juego de Logica - Funcion SI - Aleatorio - Macros
Description:Juego de logica utilizando la funcion si, aleatorio.entre y una macro. Descarga el Archivo: www.asesorjuanmanuel.com sitio: www.asesorjuanmanuel.com facebook www.facebook.com twitter: www.twitter.com www.facebook.com Dale me gusta, +1 , compártelo... el conocimiento es de todos. únete a mi red de amigos, contactame por facebook!
Description:El primer tutorial que he hecho (perdon si esta mal explicado) y tambien aprendi a usar el camtasia studio (es la primera vez que lo uso) bueno gracias por ver el video
Description:Tutorial zum Erstellen von selbstsortierenden Tabellen in Excel. Verwendet werden nur Excel Befehle und keine Makros. siehe: spreadsheets.google.com