Tuesday 3 November 2009

Excel Macro VBA Tip 15 - Combine the Range and Cells Property in Excel Macros

Excel Macro VBA Tip 15 - Combine the Range and Cells Property in Excel Macros


Description:Visit www.TeachMsOffice.com formore, including Excel Consulting, Macros, and Tutorials. Use the Range and Cells selection properties together in Microsoft Excel Macros. This is a great tutorial for any beginner in Excel Macros and VBA. You will learn how to use the Cells property inside of the Range property so that you can use variables and numbers inside of the Range property instead of regular A1 style cell references. This method allows you to make your Macros much more versatile, dynamic, and powerful than just using the Cells or the Range property alone. Also, you can easily include variables within the Cells property for cell references. For Excel consulting or to get the spreadsheet or macro used here visit the website http There, you can also get more free Excel video tutorials, macros, tips, and a forum for Excel. Have a great day!


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