Title: How to Record a Macro in Excel to Fix Problems with an Imported Text File
Description:In this tutorial, I respond to a viewer who has a problem: He receives a monthly main-frame computer generated report that is difficult to manipulate. The fi...
Description:Planilha em excel, com preenchimento automatico de campos! se tiver interesse na planilha é so entrar em contato! valor da planilha 2,00 R$ e-mail. UEVERSON@HOTMAIL.COM
Title: Create a D4 (Tetrahedron) Using Reference Geometry with SolidWorks
Description:Normally you won't create a tetrahedron this way (too much effort), but it illustrates the basic idea that you'd use to make any other regular shape like this. Create some good reference geometry planes at the right angles, and you're good to go!
Title: ThreeDify Excel Troubleshooting Guide: a Guide to Re-enable Your Add-ins and Macros
Description:In this tutorial, we will show you how to enable disabled or inactive add-ins and macros within Microsoft Excel 2007. To download our fully interactive versi...
Title: Les macros-commandes avec Excel 2010 : Automatiser les calculs Tutorial Excel
Description:http://tvmrproof.blogspot.com/ Dans ce Tutoriel on va voir comment : - Créer une macro-commande - Modifier une macro-commande - Attacher une macro-commande à...
Description:www.excelvbaprogrammers.com Introducing MVlookup, a user defined function in Excel for return of multiple instances of your lookup criteria.
Title: Health IT Webinar: Tips For Generating and Utilizing Quality Data Reports Using Health IT
Description:HRSA Health IT Webinar: "Tips For Generating and Utilizing Quality Data Reports Using Health IT." Presented on Friday , July 22, 2011, 2pm to 3:30pm EST This webinar focuses on how safety net providers such as health centers and rural providers can generate quality reports and utilize this data for improving healthcare outcomes. Collecting and analyzing data is one of the central functions for assessing and targeting how to improve healthcare quality. Data enables staff to accurately identify workflow and care coordination inefficiencies, establish best practices, and assist in providing evidence based examples to staff and patients on how to improve outcomes. This webinar's presenters will demonstrate how they use health IT and/or electronic health records systems as a tool for generating quality reports. Furthermore, these safety net providers will demonstrate how they use their health center or critical access hospital clinical data for successfully coordinating care among provider teams, informing and engaging patients on care decisions, and for improving health quality and outcomes. The presenters include: • Kwame Kitson, MD Director of Quality Institute of Family Health, New York State • Margaret Flinter, APRN, PhD, Vice President and Clinical Director, Community Health Center, Connecticut • Bob DeMarco, RN, MA, BSN, Chief of Quality and Systems Improvement, Springfield Medical Care Systems, Vermont
Description:Demonstração de Calculo no Excel referente ao Target de Estocagem Desenvolvido por Cristiano Moreti, gestor do setor de Compras de uma das maiores empresas de transportes da America Latina.