Description:Ahora puedes abrir editar y compartir tus libros de Excel sin salir de tu correo. Aprende cómo aprovechar estas posibilidades con este tutorial.
Description:Este video tutorial pertenece al sitio Web y en el mismo se explica el uso y codificación del método del punto medio (compuesto) para resolver integrales numéricamente, mediante programación Excel con VBA. Ofrecemos cursos, asesorías y servicios de programación ONLINE de Excel para Venezuela y todo el mundo. ¡Contáctanos ya!
Title: How an excel macro changed my life: The history of Brainscape
Description:Brainscape Founder Andrew Cohen ( tells Amanda how he came up with the idea of Brainscape. You can find more EdTech Insider at Learn more about Brainscape at: http Follow Andrew @a_s_cohen Follow Amanda @aemoritz
Title: Cómo crear etiquetas y códigos de barras - Programa de código de barras Barcode Studio
Description:Cómo crear etiquetas y códigos de barras en cuestión de minutos. Con el programa creador de código de barras es realmente fácil: ¡Tan solo pruébalo y descarga el programa de demostración gratuito de! Este vídeo tutorial te muestra cómo crear un sencillo código de barras con título. Después veremos como importar datos de un fichero CSV externo (creado con Microsoft Excel) para poder crear múltiples archivos de imágenes de código de barras a la vez. Los códigos de barras pueden exportarse como archivos BMP, PNG, JPG, GIF, TIF, EPS (PostScript encapsulado), PDF o WMF Por último aprenderá como imprimir sencillas etiquetas de código de barras. Barcode Studio es un programa avanzado para crear códigos de barras. Es compatible con todos los códigos de barras lineales, GS1, y códigos de barras bidimensionales cono el QR-Code y DataMatrix. El programa está disponible para Windows, Mac OS X, Linux y UNIX. Las características únicas como el estimador de calidad del código de barras simplifica la creación de códigos de barras maestros de alta calidad para aplicaciónes de preimpresión, o para salida por impresora, pantalla, imagen vectorial, bitmap o copiar al portapapeles. Los códigos de barras se pueden exportar como archivos BMP, PNG, JPG, GIF, TIF, EPS (PostScript Encapsulado), PDF y WMF/EMF. Además Barcode Studio proporciona capacidades de impresión de etiquetas de código de barras muy eficientes. Para imprimir los códigos de barras el usuario puede elegir entre ...
Title: Eliminar valores duplicados en columna de Excel
Description:Este video tutorial pertenece al sitio Web y en el mismo se explica un ejemplo práctico de programación de Excel usando VBA. Ofrecemos cursos, asesorías y servicios de programación ONLINE de Excel para Venezuela y todo el mundo. ¡Contáctanos ya!
Description:In this video I explain the basics of what a macro is and how you can get started making (recording) them. Later on I will probably make a more advanced tutorial that will explain and demonstrate more advanced uses of macros. Thanks for watching! Comment, rate, subscribe! Follow me on Twitter! @jn_lord
Title: How to Embed an Excel Sheet into a PowerPoint Slide
Video: | Lead Tech Trainer Juanita McDowell shows you how to embed an Excel spreadsheet into your PowerPoint slide. Very cool. Check out all of her tips by subscribing to her channel today!
Description:This demo video shows how you can download free real time and delayed stock, index, futures, and mutual fund quotes from Yahoo! Finance directly into your Microsoft Excel spreadsheets using RTQuotesXL add-in which is a part of AnalyzerXL financial software suite. You can find more information on our software at
Title: How to send personalized emails to multiple people in one click
Description:This video will show you how you can send an email to a list of recipients on your Excel Sheet via Outlook after Word personalizes it. Please post any questions or problems you have related to Computers and I will make a video tutorial to help you. I am an expert in the field of Computer Science and I will try to help you to the best of my knowledge. Do please leave your comments and rate this video if it was useful. Thank You.
Title: Macros en Excel 2010. Primeros Pasos. 1ª Parte. Vídeo 02.
Description:En este vídeo dividido en dos partes comentamos que es una macro y para que las podemos utilizar. Hay mucha gente tienen una idea equivocada de lo que es una macro y en la primera parte de este vídeo, intento poner algo de luz en ese sentido. Además crearemos nuestra primera macro y comentaremos muchos detalles del proceso de grabación y guardado de las macros
Title: Macros en Excel 2010. Primeros Pasos. 1ª Parte. Vídeo 01.
Description:En este vídeo dividido en dos partes comentamos que es una macro y para que las podemos utilizar. Hay mucha gente tienen una idea equivocada de lo que es una macro y en la primera parte de este vídeo, intento poner algo de luz en ese sentido. Además crearemos nuestra primera macro y comentaremos muchos detalles del proceso de grabación y guardado de las macros.
Description:Learn how to use the Autocomplete function in Microsoft Excel 2003. This function will help save you time in entering data in Microsoft Excel 2003
Title: Experts Exchange - VBA and Excel: Going Beyond the Formula (how to trigger macros and more)
Description:In this one-hour session, Experts Exchange Excel and VBA Guru Brad Yundt will teach you how to go beyond the formula with Visual Basic applications. You will learn: - How to trigger macros with buttons - Where macros are stored - How to use functions in worksheet formulas - How to write sample formulas - How to record and edit a macro for reuse - How to use the macro recorder to discover VBA bits that do what you need About the Presenter: Brad Yundt is a mechanical engineer at Applied Research Associates, Inc. who has been working with Excel since 1988 and Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) since 1995. In 2003, Yundt began participating on Experts Exchange where he has since answered over 9000 questions and currently serves as a Zone Advisor for Microsoft Office and Excel. For the past four years, Yundt has been the recipient of the prestigious Microsoft Most Valuable Professional award for Excel. ** HQ VERSION AVAILABLE HERE: **
Description:En Audinfor llevamos más de 20 años tratando con información contable y realizando nuestro trabajo de auditoría mediante el uso intensivo de tecnologías de la información. La primera herramienta que utilizamos fue la hoja de cálculo Lotus 123, sin ratón y sin entorno gráfico. Después vino el Quattro pro, con su entorno gráfico y dónde podías previsualizar cómo quedaba impreso el trabajo. A principios de los años 90, la hoja de cálculo tomó un giro definitivo y empezó el dominio de Microsoft Excel; sobre todo porque unía todo en una sola herramienta: entorno gráfico, uso de ratón, visualización previa de la impresión, uso de macros y compatibilidad con Lotus y otras hojas de cálculo. Es entonces cuando el auditor se empieza a dar cuenta de que a través de la hoja de cálculo puede hacer el trabajo mucho más rápido, si el cliente le facilita la información contable en formato electrónico, además puede documentar mejor el trabajo y molestar menos al cliente. Actualmente, la gran mayoría de los auditores coincidimos en que obtener el Diario contable del cliente y poder tratarlo en hoja de cálculo es sinónimo de trabajo más eficiente. Y si, el software de auditoría que manejamos es capaz de trabajar con ese diario, mucho mejor. Sin embargo, el gran escollo que a lo largo de los años seguimos teniendo es, cómo trasladar el formato que nos entrega el cliente hasta nuestra hoja de cálculo, base de datos o programa de auditoría. Este traslado de formato conlleva en muchos casos la ...
Title: How To Implement A VBA Listbox Part 1 and 2
Video: This video will show you how to implement a VBA Listbox on your Excel worksheet. This video shows you how to implement the single and mutliple selection options, and code them with VBA. Take a watch, you'll learn a lot! For a free VBA Crash Course or other free VBA tutorials come to http
Title: Learn Excel - Keep SmartArt in View: Podcast #1366
Description:Wyatt asks if there is a way to have SmartArt float above a worksheet and always stay in view. Today, in Episode #1366, Bill shows us how to create a short macro to solve the problem, although not perfectly. ...Learn Excel 97-2007 from MrExcel.
Title: 6_Valoraciones: El medio en Excel para manejo por el Docente
Description:Con el presente video-tutorial los docentes podrán reconocer el proceso de ingreso de las valoraciones y la calificación de los indicadores antes de ser enviados a Secretaría.
Description:This tutorial shows how to identify inputs and outputs when working with Vertex42 spreadsheet templates. It also covers how to insert a very basic formula into an input cell. It uses the Yearly Budget Calculator as an example, which can be downloaded from here:
Description:This tutorial shows how to print a school calendar to a PDF from Excel, including printing multiple worksheets at a time. To download the school calendar, see the following page:
Title: Basics in Micro Word, Excel, Access + PowerPoint
Description:This video will help you with the basics you need for Word if you are creating work for university, with more advanced work in Excel and some medium level work in Access. It may also be of use to those wanting to practice their English. It deals with Naming cells as a way of making formula in IF statements simpler to deal with. It deals with AutoExec as a Macro in order to make the Access Dashboard open up immediately the Database is started so that worker interested only in adding data can be directed to the appropriate Form rather than 'battling' through all the design work first.
Title: Learn Excel- Insert Hyperlink vs =HYPERLINK: #1363Video:
Description:When should you use the Insert Hyperlink compared to the =HYPERLINK() function? In Episode #1363, Bill compares the two methods. Also learn how to build 100's of hyperlinks by concatenating together some text in quotes with values in a column.
Title: Ejercicios Excel 2007: Plantilla para descuentos -
Video: Aprende paso a paso como hacer una plantilla para aplicar descuentos en Excel 2007. Inscríbete al Curso Básico de Excel Gratis. Visita
Title: - Excel VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) Training (Free Sample)Video:
Description:Our video training in Excel VBA uses a check form application to show how to use VBA to create an application based on a form. This example could be used in an invoicing system or other application that uses Excel. Preview this video from ZeroToU (formerly harmonialtraining). You can order the full download at If you are new to the subject don't be intimidated we start from ground zero of knowledge and teach you so that you understand with real world examples. Copyright 2011
Title: Learnable Course: Microsoft Access with VBA for beginners
Description:The course this video describes is for anyone who wants to learn Microsoft Access skills and learn how to write visual basic for applications (VBA) - the programming language used to add functionality to a database. This 5 day course is available on please enrol on the course today.
Description:Macro que suma, resta, multiplica o divide los valores de las casillas A1 y A2 dependiendo de si B1 contiene el signo +, -, x, :. El resultado lo deja en A3. Si en B1 no hay ninguno de los signos anteriores en A3 debe dejarse un 0.
Description:Usos de condiciones anidadas en Macros de Excel: Comparar los valores de las casilla A1 y A2 de la hoja activa. Si son iguales, escribir en A3 "Los valores de A1 y A2 son iguales" Si el valor de A1 es mayor que A2, escribir "A1 mayor que A2", sino, escribir "A2 mayor que A1" . END IF
Title: PowerPoint 2010 - Adding single and multiple animations to objects in PowerPoint 2010
Description:How to add animations in PowerPoint 2010. Tutorial shows how to add a motion path to an object, change the direction of the motion path, add multiple animations to a single object, change the options so that animations only happen after the previous animation and adjust timings so that there is a delay between animations. For more PowerPoint tips and tutorials visit
Description:This is why the upcoming tournaments have banned bunny hopping, as bunny-hopping can provide a huge advantage to the player. Took me about 30 minutes total to do all of these. All of the b-hops were done manually, it is not hard to do, it just requires concentration. On a side note only 1 of these was recorded from an actual scrim the others were done practice servers with friends. No server settings were modified that allowed me to do these, so any of the jumps can be replicated in any valve server/private server.
Description:Payload is triggered when today's date and minutes are equal and months have to be set after september (for example, 10th December, 08:10:04 PM). It will overwrite lots of colored cells with text. In temporarily infected Book1 made by virus itself, it keeps overwriting almost like forever. Sometimes it can crash too.
Description:Get an entire VBA training course 100% free at Click http to get the video set now! In this part of the video series you'll learn the following: String expressions String Concatenation Inputbox examples Currency Formatting Step through code Debug code Immediate window samples if statement example one line if statement example if else statement example if elseif statement example select case statement example Sign up for 10 FREE VBA videos that will help you do your job better at:
Description:In this video I show you how to make a simple video in Microsoft office Excel 2007. Please watch the techraderz live broadcast every Fiday at 5:00 GMT over at
Title: Seleccionar Multiples Rangos de Datos en Diferentes Hojas de Excel
Description:En este vídeo demuestro en pasos sencillos, como seleccionar rangos de datos en diferentes hojas de excel dentro de un documento, pudiendo aplicar formato, mover ancho de fila, columna, etc. Nota: El ejercicio se ha realizado en Excel 2010, desconozco si funciona en otras versiones anteriores de la herramienta.
Title: How to Make The World's Best PowerPoint Presentation Using Microsoft Office 2010
Description:How to make the world's BEST* PowerPoint Presentation. (*According to kids) We made our Kids Matter -- Education for kids video solely using Microsoft PowerPoint 2010. It's a great piece of software that really allows you to achieve some stunning animation results. Check out our guide on how to make your own animation using Microsoft PowerPoint 2010. What you will need: Coloured Card A Camera Scissors A Scanner A PC or laptop with Microsoft Office 2010 installed And plenty of time! Step 1: Meticulously storyboard your masterpiece, accounting for every effect and transition. Step 2: Cut up some coloured card to make your characters and backgrounds. Step 3: Individually scan your hand-made creations into your PC or laptop. Step 4: Load up Microsoft PowerPoint 2010. Go to the 'Design' tab and select 'Page Setup'. For YouTube playback set the aspect ratio to 'On-Screen Show (16:9)'. Step 5: Insert your scanned artwork into Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 and resize your images to fit your presentation. Step 6: Insert your chosen soundtrack as early as possible, so you can animate to the beat of the song. Step 7: To begin animating your creations click the 'Animations' tab and then hit the 'Animations Add' tab. We liked to use the 'Motions Paths' effect. Add as many animations as you like to really bring your images to life. Use the 'Animation Pane' to organise and preview your animations. Step 8: To animate using Stop-frame take photos of your object. You need to move them lightly ...
Video: - This video goes over the Select Case conditional statement. Use this statement to determine the logical flow of your Excel VBA application. If you have multiple conditions to evaluate, use this structure, it's easier to deal with and more readable. Now watch our VBA For Next Statement Video! Problems sorting out the VBA information you just learned? Sign up for the 12 part VBA Crash Course training at http
Title: Learn Excel - Changing Case in Excel: Lower, Upper, Proper: Podcast #1356
Description:Microsoft Word gives you a command to convert text to Upper or Lower case. There is no such command in Excel. Today, in Episode #1356, Bill shows us one of two methods for converting text to Upper Case, Lower Case, or Proper Case in Excel. ...This blog is the video podcast companion to the book, Learn Excel 97-2007 from MrExcel. Download a new two minute video every workday to learn one of the 377 tips from the book! For all of your Microsoft Excel needs visit -- Your One Stop for Excel Tips and Solutions.
Title: VBA and Macros 2010 - Suppress Alerts: Podcast #1355
Description:Some actions in the Excel Interface cause an Alert to appear- such as the "Are you sure you want to delete this worksheet?" message. These alerts can be annoying when employing a Macro. Today, Episode #1355 takes a look at how to remove that alert.
Title: Visual Basic 2010 - Open any file using Excel, Notepad, Notepad++, Word, etc
Description:In this video I will show you how to open any file (such as text documents) in Excel, Notepad, Notepad++, and Word. This method can be applied to any file format and any program you desire. I start from scratch and get into each tool detail for a better understanding.