Add or Subtract Years from a Date in Excel

Description:Go to www.Teachmsoffice.com to view all of this tutorial. This Excel date and time tutorial shows you how to add or subtract years from a date in Excel. Adding or subtracting years from a date in Excel is a little tricky and requires the use of a number of different functions, but this tutorial goes step by step to show you how to add or subtract years from dates in Excel. This tutorial also covers some date formatting tips.
Add or Subtract Years from a Date in Excel

Description:Go to www.Teachmsoffice.com to view all of this tutorial. This Excel date and time tutorial shows you how to add or subtract years from a date in Excel. Adding or subtracting years from a date in Excel is a little tricky and requires the use of a number of different functions, but this tutorial goes step by step to show you how to add or subtract years from dates in Excel. This tutorial also covers some date formatting tips.