Description:Una de las novedades más interesantes de la versión de Excel 2010 es la posibilidad de generar gráficon integrados en Celdas, conocidos como minigráficos. En este tutorial te enseñamos a hacerlos. Veja o que você irá aprender no Modulo Introdução do "Curso Excel 2007" Recapitulando o Excel 1_ A interface do Excel. 2_ Exibindo Barras de Ferramentas Ocultas. 3_ Formatação. 4_ Vínculo. 5_ Funções Simples e aninhadas. Banco de Dados: 6_ Conceito de Banco de Dados. 7_ Puxando dados de um arquivo de texto (txt). 8_ Contagem de entradas, Verificação de idades e aniversariantes do Mês. 9 _ Incerindo dados no Excel por meio de ferramenta Formulário. 10_ Classificação de Registros. Controle de Estoque: 11_ Controle de quantidade em Estoque. 12_ Atualizar fórmula para incluir novos dados. 13_ Controle de saída. 14_ AutoFiltro. 15_ Gráfico Dinâmico. Formulário de Fatura: 16_ Layout Formatado e explicação dos campos. 17_ Incerindo Fórmulas de procura de Dados. 18_ Criando e configurando caixas de combinação. 19_ Calculando os valores. 20_ Configurando a impressão da Nota de fatura. SUPER PROMOÇÃO! "VOCÊ GANHA O OFFICE 2007 INTERPRISE Português" APROVEITE! Contatos
Description:In brief, "FlickHeader" is a dashboard for accessing monitoring FIFA and non-FIFA league play stats, news, and videos. Built in chat mechanism as well. Leveraging new Excel 2010 Sparklines and conditional formatting options. Also making use of embedded MS Web Browsers, Shockwave Flash Objects, ActiveX controls, Form controls, Web Queries, Macros and a User Defined Function. Links to and data drawn from, YouTube, Google docs and FIFA World Cup site. (tactics adopted from "Excel Basics to Blackbelt" Cambridge University Press 2008)
Title: tutorial vba: Ms Excel 2007 insertar varios registros en MySQL
Description:Utilizar Ms Excel 2007 con ADO para conectarse a un servidor MySQL y agregar varios registros tomados de una hoja de cálculo de un libro de Ms Excel.
Title: Prototipo Generando cotizaciones con excel word muy potente cotizar
Video: Este es una ejemplo de como crear cotizaciones usando microsoft Excel y Word usando macros y combinación. Esto simplifica y potencializa el uso de estas dos herramientas de trabajo. Se trabaja con excel y word para usar macros y comibinar documentos. Parecería que es para usuarios con niveles avanzados de esta herramienta. Sin embargo solo usa una cuantas macros sencillas para llevar a cabo esta tarea. esta combinación es MUY POTENTE, por las capacidades de personalización. mas información en
Title: How to use VBA in Excel | tutorial
Description:This Excel tutorial explores the Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) programming environment. Watch more at
Title: Running macros from a keystroke shortcut: Excel 2007: Macros in Depth from
Description:Watch the entire course at In Excel 2007: Macros for Automation, author Dennis Taylor demonstrates common tasks for which macros are used, and walks through the process of creating and running simple macros. This course also covers more advanced topics, including making macros widely available through the Personal Macro Workbook, recording a macro in stages, absolute and relative recording, and using Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) for actions that cant be recorded. The course wraps up with a macro project that brings together each of the elements in a real-world scenario.
Title: Short examples of the recording method: Excel 2007: Macros in Depth from
Description:Watch the entire course at In Excel 2007: Macros for Automation, author Dennis Taylor demonstrates common tasks for which macros are used, and walks through the process of creating and running simple macros. This course also covers more advanced topics, including making macros widely available through the Personal Macro Workbook, recording a macro in stages, absolute and relative recording, and using Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) for actions that cant be recorded. The course wraps up with a macro project that brings together each of the elements in a real-world scenario.
Title: Definition and examples: Excel 2007: Macros in Depth from
Description:Watch the entire course at In Excel 2007: Macros for Automation, author Dennis Taylor demonstrates common tasks for which macros are used, and walks through the process of creating and running simple macros. This course also covers more advanced topics, including making macros widely available through the Personal Macro Workbook, recording a macro in stages, absolute and relative recording, and using Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) for actions that cant be recorded. The course wraps up with a macro project that brings together each of the elements in a real-world scenario.
Description:This Microsoft 2007 Excel tutorial in using Macros is presented by We have all types of training tutorial courses in computer software and business courses. If your are looking to advance your career or just need help with Microsoft, Adobe, or any other software product then visit our website today.
Title: tutorial vba: Ms Excel y MySQL realizando consultas genéricas
Description:Muestra una mejora en el código anterior de realización de consultas usando VBA, en el cual se mejora el código para que se muestren todos los campos de cualequier consulta, para ello se usa un ciclo for que recorre todos los campos de cada registro tomando sus valores
Title: tutorial vba: Ms Excel y mySQL realizando consultas
Description:Se muestra como programar en VBA un método que se conecta a una base de datos de MySQL por ODBC y se ejecuta una consulta SQL. Posteriormente se coloca cada registro en una fila de una hoja de cálculo.
Title: Borrar celda de Excel desde Visual Basic.mp4
Description:Este video tutorial pertenece al sitio web y en el mismo se explica cómo borrar una celda de Excel desde una aplicación en Visual Basic 6.0. Se utiliza el operador MOD para borrar sólo los datos (nombre y edad) de las personas cuya edad sea un número par. Aquí también aprenderás los pasos correctos para establecer conexión o acceder a un libro de Excel desde Visual Basic 6.0 abrir el libro, trabajar con el libro y finalmente cerrarlo. Si quieres obtener el código fuente de este trabajo, visita mi sitio web, ¡regístrate y descárgalo gratis!
Description:Get Your FREE! Excel VBA Training Guide at Need a tutorial on creating a VBA procedure? This video gives you how a little tutorial to creating a VBA procedure. Shows Public and Private procedure differences and how to call the procedure (macro) from a button on an Excel worksheet.
Description:Watch the entire course at In Excel 2007: Macros for Automation, author Dennis Taylor demonstrates common tasks for which macros are used, and walks through the process of creating and running simple macros. This course also covers more advanced topics, including making macros widely available through the Personal Macro Workbook, recording a macro in stages, absolute and relative recording, and using Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) for actions that cant be recorded. The course wraps up with a macro project that brings together each of the elements in a real-world scenario.
Title: 4.9 Use Script and Syntax Files for Statistical Analyses: PASW (SPSS) Statistics v.17 video
Description:Use a script or syntax file to automate a series of statistical analyses performed on a file with dynamic data containing static variables. Scripts are captured and edited in the PASW Statistics Syntax Editor window.
Title: Exploring Layout view: Access 2010 New Features from
Description:Watch the entire course at In Access 2010 New Features, author Alicia Katz Pollock explains each new and enhanced feature in Microsoft Access 2010. This course covers the Backstage view that replaces the File menu in Office 2010, shortcuts for building tables, new layout tools and navigation controls, the macro designer featuring IntelliSense, as well as exporting to and collaborating in SharePoint.
Title: How to Merge Multiple Excel Workbooks to a Master BudgetVideo:
Description:Do you collaborate with other Excel users who use the same workbook? For example, are you responsible for just one part of a budget that must be combined into a Master Budget? If so, you want to watch this short Excel Video Lesson to learn the steps to follow to successfully Share Changes that you and your colleagues make to an Excel 2007 workbook. I invite you to visit my website - - to view all of my video lessons. Danny Rocks
Title: Determinar ubicacion de la ultima celda con valor en una columna.mp4
Description:Este video tutorial pertenece al sitio Web y en el mismo se explica cómo determinar la ubicación de la última celda con valor en una columna, utilizando VBA para programar un botón de dentro de la hoja. Si quieres obtener el código fuente de este trabajo, visita mi sitio web, ¡regístrate y descárgalo gratis!
Title: tutorial VBA: Generar un userform ( formulario ) en Ms Excel 2007
Description:Indica como generar un userform ( formulario ) en Ms Excel 2007 en el editor de VBA. Tutorial vba, usando Ms Excel 2007 insertar botón VBA: tomar valores de hoja de Excel
Title: Excel Avançado 2007 Parte 1.2 - Funções SE, E e Formatação Condicional
Description:Excel Avançado 2007 Parte 2 - Funções SE, E e Formatação Condicional Vídeo Aula de Excel 2007 Avançado ( Tutorial Passo a Passo com Exercícios práticos e Simples) Leandro Ramos Curso Completo em
Description:Recibo inteligente, com numeração automática e extenso, também, automático, formulário de lançamento e impressão, base de dados para armazenamento dos recibos emitidos, etc... Custo? Menos do que você imagina. Veja no site e aproveite para visitar outras soluções e video-aulas tanto de Access quanto de Excel que temos ali, feitos na medida certa pra quem quer aprender, usar, e ao mesmo tempo, economizar. Um forte abraço. LucioRezena.
Title: Creating Your Own Functions in Excel with VBA
Description:This is a description of how to create user-defined functions in Excel using Visual Basic for Applications (VBA), the built-in macro language. It comes from a course I teach as part of an online Masters degree program in engineering ( Higher res versions of this video can be found at You can download the workbook from the same location.
Description:Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) is the programming language of Microsoft Office. VBA was used until now mainly to automate Excel macros or Access routines. And today, this language is used with version 3 of Sun! Besides the fact that is free, it also allows to use VBA on various platforms other than Windows! Credits : Microsoft Office
Title: Excel 2003 vba: Formulario para copiar y pegar celdas entre hojas - Video 1/3
Description:En este ejercicio se crea un formulario en el que mediante botones de opción se señala la hoja de origen, se le da la fila y columna donde debe buscar la celda a copiar de esa hoja de origen y despues se hace lo mismo con el destino, es decir, mediante option se señala la hoja de destino y se le da la fila y columna de destino donde debe copiarse la celda seleccionada anteriormente. Por ejemplo: Vete a la hoja 3, busca la celda(3,6) y copiala en la hoja 1 en la celda de destino (10,5). This brief tutorial shows how to use the SUM Function in Microsoft Excel 2007, including ranges, non-adjacent ranges, and mixtures of text and numerical cells.
Description:Este video tutorial pertenece al sitio Web y en el mismo se explica cómo insertar una nueva hoja dentro de un libro de Excel usando la programación con Visual Basic 6.0. Aquí también aprenderás los pasos correctos para establecer conexión o acceder a un libro de Excel desde Visual Basic 6.0 abrir el libro, trabajar con el libro y finalmente cerrarlo. Si quieres obtener el código fuente de este trabajo, visita mi sitio web, ¡regístrate y descárgalo gratis!